The simplest way to use generative AI and get amazing results.

As a salesperson, entrepreneur or small business owner, have you ever wished you had an extra set of hands or two to increase productivity and sales?

Introducing Boost CoPilot, your AI-powered co-pilot who automates tasks, improves productivity, personalizes customer interactions and enhances communication.

Stop wasting your time on tedious tasks, instead focus on growth, and better work/life balance.

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Sign Up for Free Plan Now

Recover up to 40% of your time. No coding, no prompts, no hassle. Just fill out form, and select model in one of the 250+ tasks, and see the magic. ๐Ÿš€

You Can Select From Top Models


You can select any of the top models from the pulldown whenever you would like including ChatGPT 4o, Google Gemini 1.5, Claude 3, and Llama 3 to name a few.

Do you want to improve or increase your growth efforts but feel limited by the resources at your disposal? It can be frustrating when you're ready to move, but the fear of being overwhelmed stops you. It's a roadblock, isn't it

Hard to Scale Your Growth Efforts

Do you find it challenging to get the attention of key decision-makers? It can be demoralizing when you are not considered for a meeting. You've got an excellent offering, but you can't break through. It's like shouting into the void, isn't it?

Failing to Reach Decision Makers

Overwhelming Tasks

We understand that your world is demanding and complex. Repetitive manual tasks eat up your time, preventing you from focusing on what really matters: solving problems, closing deals, building relationships and driving growth. It's a drain, isn't it

Common Growth Hurdles, One Amazing Solution

Navigate through the familiar challenges effortlessly:

Try Boost CoPilot designed to alleviate these issues and multiply your efforts easily without having to learn AI

  • Efficiency Maestro: Glide through your tasks with AI handling the routine and streamlining your workflow.
  • Growth Accelerator: Broaden your reach and get more deals at faster, elevating your growth.
  • Communication Prodigy: Amplify every interaction with AI-empowered communication tools, forging meaningful connections.
  • Social Amplification: Boost your contentโ€™s reach and engagement by leveraging your network and share your content across multiple social media platforms.

Designed specifically for non-technical soloprenuer, entreprenuer, salesperson, or small business owner.


AI-Driven Impact: Real Results, and Rapid Gains

  • Regain 60 to 70% of Work Time: According to McKinsey's report titled: "The Economic Potential of Generative AI: The Next Productivity Frontier", current generative Al and other technologies have the potential to automate work activities that absorb 60 to 70 percent of employees' time today.
  • Better results: You will be amazed at the quality of the AI-induced responses that provide accelerated insights stronger customer interactions.
  • Harmonious Work-Life Balance: Over 50% have reported to have found a work-life balance courtesy of generative AI empowerment.

Witness the transformation as Boost CoPilot becomes an indispensable extension of your workflow:


Boost CoPilot

AI-powered capabilities that can drive better business outcomes:

Automate tedious sales tasks, you can focus on high-value activities, significantly improving your sales productivity.

Automate Tedious Tasks
Boost Sales Productivity

Boosting your sales productivity allows you to engage with more prospects in less time, resulting in an increase in your top line.

Enhance Reputation & Trust

Build up your social reputation, so you can improve your ability to meet and connect with prospects, paving the way for more successful sales engagements.

By personalizing each customer experience, you foster stronger relationships, and increase customer satisfaction, and sales .

Personalize Customer Experiences
Improved Sales Content

Enhanced sales content, will better resonate with your prospects, resulting in improved engagement, trust-building, and sales.

Appeal to Right Buyer

By understanding an organization's and buyers' purchasing habits, you can tailor your sales strategy more effectively, leading to more accurate targeting and sales.

More Engaging Emails

Assists in drafting professional and persuasive sales emails, saving time and ensuring a consistent communication style.

Powerful Sales Scripts

Develop persuasive sales scripts tailored to different situations and customer profiles, helping to enhance your selling approach.

Customer Survey Creation

Design customer satisfaction surveys or market research questionnaires, gathering valuable feedback to transform your strategy.

One-Page Business Plan

Generate a one-page business plan that summarizes your vision, goals, and strategies in a clear and concise way.

Sales Conversation Analysis
Deal Closing Assistance

Analyze conversations with prospects and customers and get valuable insights to improve your communication and close deals more effectively.

Use effective closing techniques or responses based on the specific customer scenario, supporting salespeople in securing more deals

Features Ready to Rock Your World

Competitor Analysis

You can continually monitor and analyze your competitors, summarizing their activities and strategies to help you stay one step ahead and win more deals against them.

Customer Sentiment Analysis

Effectively gauge customer sentiment based on interactions and feedback, providing insights into customer satisfaction, preference and areas for improvement.

And much more...

Delve into 200+ tools meticulously crafted to refine your operations and ignite your sales:

Analyze Successful Companies
Investor Pitch Deck

Analyze successful companies in your industry or niche and learn from their best practices, strengths, and weaknesses.

Create an investor pitch deck that showcases your problem, solution, market, traction, team, and financials in a compelling way.

It's time to leave the tedium behind and use AI to soar to new heights before your competition does!

Sign Up For Free Trial Now


Customers Say

Trust is vital in our industry, and Boost CoPilot is helping us enhance our reputation with

customers. Our ability to connect and sell is improving, all thanks to this powerful tool.

- Hailey T.

Boost CoPilot has allowed me to automate the tedious parts of my sales process and is allowing me to really focus on crafting personalized experiences for my customers.

- Dave M.



3,500 Words

ChatGPT 4 Turbo & Claude 3
Enhanced Chat w/ Folders

Mobile Ready Design

250+ Sales & Business Tasks
Powerful Assistants

Save Task Generations
Text to Image Generation

Enhanced Text Tools

Standard Support





Boost CoPilot Pricing Plans

60,000 Words
ChatGPT 4 Turbo & Claude 3

Enhanced Chat w/ Folders

Mobile ready Design

250+ Sales & Business Tasks

Powerful Assistants

Custom Assistants

Save Tool Generations

Text to Image Generation

Enhanced Text Tools

Pro Support

Unlimited Words

ChatGPT 4 Turbo & Claude 3

Enhanced Chat w/ Folders

Mobile ready Design

250+ Sales & Business Tasks

Powerful Assistants

Custom Assistants

Save Tool Generations

Text to Image Generation

Enhanced Text Tools

Pro Support




Annual - 2 Months Free


Annual - 1 Month Free


Boost CoPilot improves your sales productivity, personalizes customer engagements, builds trust with the buyer and generate better sales outcomes.

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